jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Our part for the contest

Nerea and I were assigned to do an add about climatic change. The aim of this advert is to make people aware of the current situation and show them how to prevent our planet from this change.

First of all, we searched videos without copyright for the advert. Then, we looked for two actors or actresses and finally we wrote the script .
Now we need to film some scenes and then edit them. This will be challenging taking into account that we are not professional video makers.
We can't wait until we finish our masterpiece. (:

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016


   In my opinion war is something unavoidable nowadays, but maybe in the future, if society changes or their thinking way changes, will be avoidable.

Because of the wars,  inocent people is dying, and I think that that's unfair. They're losing their homes and lands, but there's something more important than that, is that they're losing their families and childs. We all should do something to stop this.

migration, immigration and emigration

Migration: physic movement by humans from one area to another

  • Immigration: movement of people into a destination country to which they are not native.

  • Emigration: act of leaving one's resident country with the intent to settle elsewhere.


jueves, 28 de enero de 2016


Man 'frozen to death' comes back to life

26-year-old Justin Smith was walking home from his local bar in Pennsylvania last February, when he faint and stayed reclining unconscious in the snow until the next morning.

His father, Don Smith, found him at morning and called the emergency services, but when paramedics arrived Justin was already dead.
He was taken to hospital where doctors thought he could still be revived. Using a procedure usually used to save patients from other illnesses or attacks, doctors were able to revive Justin.

Justin lost all his toes and his little fingers on both hands because of the frostbite, but he has not suffered neurological damage.